Percentag cover image

About the Product

Percentag is a Chrome browser extension that helps readers access breaking updates on news topics or tags pre-selected by the user.

The focus of the news topics or tags can be adapted according to the needs of any newsroom and news audience.

In the initial prototype, the tool was developed for a news media outlet focusing on venture capital, private equity, and start-up news in Asia.

Key Features

Percentag offers 2 main functions — following particular tags and providing a percentage match score that accompanies each article recommendation.

Users can follow multiple tags and Percentag will calculate the percentage match scores based on how many tags a particular article relates to their specific interests.

With the score, users can have a quantitative measure of how relevant an article is to them and then make more informed decisions about whether to read it. Having access to a curated list of articles with the highest recommendation score saves readers time and improves their browsing experience.

Percentag is a course project linked to the News Media Lab at Nanyang Technological University and is not a product of DealStreetAsia.

Percentag final prototype

Future Iterations

We hope to improve the product through further iterations:

1. Create affiliate links to improve tracking.

2. Becoming a news aggregator side where recommended articles would come from many different news websites

3. Sorting feature: By news outlet, by region

Percentag future developments

Product Demo

  • Go to any article from Dealstreatasia's website
  • Use Percentag to save any tags you like at the tags tab
  • Go to recommended tab to find recommended articles curated just for you


  • Ms Jessica Tan and Miss Joan Kelly for their guidance throughout the News Media Lab course.
  • Stephen Jacobs and the DealStreetAsia team for providing us with the resources, networks, and know-how to make this project a successful one.
  • Alan Soon and Rishad Patel from Splice Media for their mentoring and very insightful recommendations.
  • Special Thanks: Sheena Bhalla, Data & innovation Strategy, Google News Initiative APAC

The Team

Developers: Xavier, Tejas
Designers: Els, Erica
Developer: Daphne, Peiwen, Shan